SnapShot/32 allows you to capture any part of Windows 95 or Windows NT desktop and whatever is displayed on it. The picture can be printed or saved as a bitmap (BMP) or GIF file for further processing. To install this program, just uncompress the SNAPxxx.ZIP file to an empty directory on your hard disk and add it's icon to Windows 95 or NT. SnapShot/32 is a shareware software that should be registered with it's author. To register this copy of SnapShot/32, start the program SNAP32.EXE and select the "Register" function under "Help" menu. You are free to make copies of the distribution archive (SNAPxxx.ZIP) and pass it along to others for their evaluation provided that no modifications or additions are made to the software, its documentation, or any associated files, and it is not bundled in a distribution of any other software . Usage of SnapShot/32 is very simple. Just select one of the functions under "Snapshot" menu: Desktop - capture the whole desktop (all you can see on the screen) Rectangle - cross-cursor will appear. Click with left mouse button where you want the capture rectangle to start, then rubber-band a rectangle to enclose the desired region, and click the left mouse button again. Click right mouse button at any time to abort this function. Window - click with the left mouse button on any window you want to capture. The whole window, together with title bar and borders will be included. If you click inside a window, you may get only one of it's sub-windows instead. If this happens, try again, but click rather on a title bar or a frame of the window you want. Client - capture client area of a window, i.e. it's inside, without title bar or borders. When the capture is finished, you can view the image in SnapShot/32 window. Next you can copy it to the clipboard for processing in other programs supporting Windows Device Independent Bitmap format by selecting Edit/Copy function, save to BMP or GIF file or print it. Starting with version 2.30 there are some advanced options available: "Repeat last capture" function and hot-key. "Auto capture and save" feature - save pre-defined screen area to a file every time the "Repeat last capture" hot key is pressed, or a specified time elapses. "Save with cursor image included" option. Please read the "Help" screens while working with SnapShot/32 to learn more about them. To register copies of SnapShot/32 please contact: Greg Kochaniak 3146 Chestnut Street Murrysville, PA 15668, USA e-mail: (preffered) License cost: Single licenses: $20 each Site license: $500 Site licenses cover a single organization for an area of up to one hundred miles (160 km) in radius. World-wide license: $1500 Please use the REGISTER program usually provided with SnapShot/32 to make payments. I use KAGI SHAREWARE registration service, which accepts different payment methods, including credit card and invoices. If you live in US or Canada you may also mail me your check or money order directly, payable to Greg Kochaniak. ======================================================================== Changes log: Ver. 2.40, released 1995.08.23 Fixed the printing bug under Windows 95 (it would not print at all), introduced since ver. 2.34. Changed the way license numbers are generated. Until now the numbers were based on the name of the machine, where the program was running. Now they are based on the name of the owner, so that people could use SnapShot/32 on several machines. Still the "single user license" number must be entered separately on each machine, but since it is tied to the owner name, one can install it e.g. on her/his desktop and laptop computer independently. The name of the owner appears in the "Help/About" box. People who registered earlier and have licenses based on machine names can upgrade to a "single user license" at no cost by sending me an email message or a letter containing their machine name and old license number. The old licenses will still work. Ver. 2.34, released 1995.07.30 Bug fix: SnapShot/32 saves it's position and window size on exit, and when restarted, it's window is positioned as before. This created problem when the saved position was completely off-screen so the window was not visible. Fixed by checking for any corner of SnapShot/32 window being off-screen, and if so - repositioning the window to the center of the screen. Also modified the message that appears if SnapShot/32 can not register its hot keys, e.g. due to another program (sometimes another copy of SnapShot/32) using them. This message is less cryptic now, explains the reason and suggests changing the keys with "Configure Hot Keys" dialog under "Options" menu. Also fixed: "Enable hot keys" check box in hot keys setup dialog was not doing anything. Ver. 2.33, released 1995.07.23 Added ability to read GIF files, but only in registered version. You may read-in GIF file to view it, print it, translate to BMP file or change the GIF file attributes like interlaced mode and transparent background. Ver. 2.32, released 1995.07.14 Working on a MAP file for a GIF image for one of my WEB pages I needed to read coordinates of points on the bitmap. Added the display of last mouse click coordinates to the title of SnapShot/32 window. Ver. 2.31, released 1995.07.12 There seems to be a bug in Win95 betas - when asking how many colors the display supports ( GetDeviceCaps( dhdc, BITSPIXEL ) call ) it says "2" even if it's in 16 color mode. For this reason the bitmaps or GIFs saved in 16 color mode were black and white only. Worked around this bug by forcing 16 colors always if less colors are reported. Ver. 2.30 Added hot key configuration dialog. Added "Repeat last capture" function and hot-key. Added the "Auto capture and save" feature - save pre-defined screen area to a file every time the "Repeat last capture" hot key is pressed, or a specified time elapses. Added "save with cursor image included" option. Fixed a problem with hot-keys, which did not operate under NT 3.5 if SnapShot/32 window was not in foreground. Ver. 2.29 Made separate functions "Save BMP" and "Save GIF" under "File" menu for easier access. Save GIF has now options to set interlaced mode for GIF file (fade-in effect on WEB) and to set transparent background attribute. The transparent background is available only in registered version. Added "Setup" button to "Print" dialog for easier access. Ver. 2.28 (there was no 2.27 release) Fixed GIF save for graphics cards with more than 256 colors. Fixed BMP save - used to save always 256 color bitmaps, now it's the same as the display color resolution. Ver. 2.26: Fixed problems with color printing. Removed printing and clipboard copy restriction for non-registered version. Ver. 2.25: Changed registration info, added REGISTER application. Ver. 2.24: Changed hot keys to F12, since PrintScreen did not work on Windows 95. Fixed printing on Windows 95. Ver. 2.23: Added hot-keys (PrintScreen with different Shift and Ctrl combinations). Among other things they allow capture with menus pulled down. Ver. 2.22: Fixed the capture problem on Windows 95, that caused parts of SnapShot/32 windows be visible after selecting one of the functions from Snapshot menu. Ver. 2.21: Fixed the problem that sometimes caused SnapShot/32 to hang on startup. Ver. 2.20: Added ability to save captures in GIF format, importang e.g. for people working on HTML (Web) documents. Worked around a problem in NT 3.51 beta and Win95 where Print Setup dialog crashed the program.